魔法制造者 ~异世界魔法的制作方法~ /魔术发明家 ~异世界魔法的制作方法~ /マジック・メイカー ~異世界魔法の作り方~ /Magic Maker: Isekai Mahou no Tsukurikata /Magic Maker: How to Create Magic in Another World
[2025.03.19] TenTwenty(XIIX) 1st EP「Border=Border」(TVアニメ「マジック・メイカー ~異世界魔法の作り方~」OPテーマ「煌めき」) [FLAC]
[250319] TenTwenty 1st EP「Border=Border」320K

Border=Border / TenTwenty
Catalog No.: TFCC-81138
JAN/ISBN: 4988061811383
Product Type: CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: March 19, 2025
UNISON SQUARE GARDEN's guitarist and vocalist Kosuke Saito, along with Yu Sudo, a bassist highly trusted for his work with renowned artists like Kenshi Yonezu and sumika in recordings and live performances, present their band XIIX (TenTwenty), which is releasing its first-ever EP. Additionally, the band has announced that the name will be officially changed from XIIX to TenTwenty with this release. The EP, "Border=Border," will feature five tracks, including the title song "Border=Border," which was performed during their 2024 TOUR and highly anticipated by fans, as well as "So Many Stars" and "Kirameki," the opening theme song for the TV anime "Magic Maker: How to Craft Magic in Another World" (subject to change).
TenTwenty 1st EP「Border=Border」
UNISON SQUARE GARDENのギターボーカル斎藤宏介と、米津玄師やsumika等、著名アーティストのレコーディングやライブのベーシストとして絶大な信頼を得ている須藤優によるバンド XIIX (テントゥエンティ) が、バンド初となるEP作品をリリース! また同EP作品より、バンド名をXIIXからTenTwentyへ表記変更することを併せて発表。EP「Border=Border」には、2024年に行われたTOURでも披露されファンに待望されていた同タイトルとなる楽曲「Border=Border」、「So Many Stars」、TVアニメ『マジック・メイカー ~異世界魔法の作り方~』オープニング主題歌「煌めき」を含む、全5曲を収録予定。
01. Border=Border
02. 煌めき (TVアニメ「マジック・メイカー ~異世界魔法の作り方~」OPテーマ)
03. So Many Stars
04. それがいいな
05. きみは幽霊
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-1485866383-37d4a2?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297)
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-1485866605-f9f1bb?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297) |