雷霆力量5 /闪电出击5 /Thunder Force V /Thunder Force V: Perfect System /サンダーフォースV /サンダーフォースV パーフェクトシステム /サンダーフォースV PERFECT SYSTEM
[2024.08.08] Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE V - [CD][FLAC+CUE+LOG+BK][WM-0870~1]
[2024.08.08] Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE V - 320K+Scans

Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE V -
Catalog Number WM-0870~1
Barcode 4571164385839
Release Date Aug 08, 2024
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3630 JPY
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement
Manufacturer WAVE MASTER INC.
Phonographic Copyright SEGA, WAVE MASTER INC.
Music Composed by Technosoft
All Sound Composed Technosoft
Arranged by Sakuoki Kudo (M2)
A&R Producer Yoshihiro "Moba" Ito
Supervisor Yosuke Okunari [SEGA]
Co-A&R Masato "Mazin" Nishimura [SEGA]
Mastering Engineer Takuya Hashimoto [TRC]
Mastering Studio TRC
Designer Haruno Takanashi [WAVE MASTER]
Copyright Administrator Kazuo Koizumi [WAVE MASTER]
Licensing Makoto Matsui [SEGA]
Special Thanks Kazue Matsuoka [Twenty-one], Naosuke Arai [Digital Design Works], @OPA_222, Naoki Horii [M2], Yukiko Karashima [M2], Kazuki Kubota [M2], Norihiro Sekine [SEGA], Kagasei Shimomura [SEGA], SEGA Content Production Department
Executive Producer Fumitaka Shibata [WAVE MASTER]
Liner Notes Yunker Matai a.k.a. Naosuke Arai, Yosuke Okunari, Masato "Mazin" Nishimura, Sakuoki Kudo
Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE V -
Includes all songs from the original Sega Saturn version and the ported version, "Thunder Force V Perfect System" (1998). The SS version was remastered from the original album sound source, and the PS port was remastered from the original sound source before conversion to the actual machine, and all songs are fully recorded on 2 CDs. In addition, the Special Bonus Track, which can only be heard on this album, includes the dream music based on the theme of "What if "Thunder Force V MD" had been released on the Mega Drive?" The FM sound source and DCSG sound source of the Mega Drive are used to recreate the ultimate sequence of events up to the clearing of the first stage, allowing you to pseudo-experience a game that does not exist through music!
Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE V - / ゲーム・ミュージック
2024年は「セガサターン」30周年イヤー! 2024年版"リマスタリング"で蘇る《Technosoftサントラ第六弾》リリース!! 伝説の人気ソフトメーカー「テクノソフト」が生み出した大ヒットシューティングゲーム「サンダーフォース」シリーズで、初めて3D化を果たした第5作『サンダーフォースV』(1997)。今回のアルバムではオリジナルであるセガサターン版と、移植版となる『サンダーフォースV Perfect System』(1998)向け楽曲も含めた全曲を収録。今も多くのファンを魅了し続けているBGMの数々を、SS版は初代アルバム音源より、PS移植版は実機コンバート前のオリジナル音源より、それぞれリマスタリングを施しCD2枚組ですべての楽曲を完全収録。さらに、本アルバムだけでしか聴くことのできないDisc-I [M01~05]のSpecial Bonus Trackでは、「もしメガドライブで『サンダーフォースV MD』が出ていたら?」という夢の音楽を、サウンドクリエイター工藤索興氏 (有限会社エムツー)が実現!! メガドライブのFM音源+DCSG音源で第1ステージクリアまでの一連を究極再現し、存在しないゲームを音楽で疑似体験できる。ブックレットには、元テクノソフト開発室長の新井直介氏に加え、工藤索興氏ほかからのコメントも掲載。
Disc 1 [WM-0870] Original Soundtrack, Arrangement
01 Beginning of War -MD if Arr Ver.- (Opening) 0:23
02 Attack Point -MD if Arr Ver.- (Stage Select) 0:58
03 Legendary Wings -MD if Arr Ver.- (Stage 1: No Blue) 3:11
04 Deep Purple -MD if Arr Ver.- (Boss 1) 2:35
05 Game Over -MD if Arr Ver.- 0:08
06 Prologue of Thunder Force V (from "Technology") 1:23
07 Beginning of War (Opening) 0:24
08 Attack Point (Stage Select) 0:58
09 Legendary Wings (Stage1: No Blue) 3:11
10 Warning 1 (-SE-) 0:07
11 Deep Purple (Boss 1) 2:36
12 Beast Jungle (Stage 2: Wood) 4:00
13 Warning 2 (-SE-) 0:07
14 Iron Maiden (Boss 2) 2:39
15 Rising Blue Lightning (Stage 3: Human Road) 3:50
16 Warning 3 (-SE-) 0:07
17 A3 (Boss 3) 2:52
18 Cyber Cave (Stage 4: Guardian's Guardian) 3:56
19 Warning 4 (-SE-) 0:07
20 Guardian's Knight (Boss 4) 4:01
21 Steel of Destiny (Stage 5: Judgment Sword) 4:00
22 Warning 5 (-SE-) 0:07
23 Duel of Top (Boss 5) 2:45
24 Electric Mind (Stage 6: The Bottom of One's Heart) 3:34
25 Warning 6 (-SE-) 0:07
26 Fatherless Baby (Boss 6) 3:03
27 Warning 7 (-SE-) 0:07
28 The Justice Ray Part 2 (Stage 7: End is Now Here) 5:08
29 Please Seal It Up! (Bad Ending) 0:48
30 Return to Blue Sky (Staff Roll) 0:59
31 Last Letter (Good Ending) 2:37
32 Game Over 0:08
33 Count Down to Die (Continue) 0:49
34 Tan.Tan.Ta.Ta.Ta.Tan (Ranking 2~) 1:28
35 Record of Fight (Ranking Top) 1:35
36 Last Letter -Complete Ver.- (from "Technology") 4:03
Disc length 68:51
Disc 2 [WM-0871] Original Soundtrack
01 An Encounter (Opening Movie) 1:24
02 Beginning of War (Opening) 0:25
03 Attack Point (Stage Select) 0:58
04 Legendary Wings (Stage 1: No Blue) 3:12
05 Deep Purple (Boss 1) 2:36
06 Beast Jungle (Stage 2: Wood) 4:00
07 Iron Maiden (Boss 2) 2:39
08 Rising Blue Lightning (Stage 3: Human Road) 3:49
09 A3 (Boss 3) 2:52
10 Cyber Cave (Stage 4: Guardian's Guardian) 3:55
11 Guardian's Knight (Boss 4) 4:01
12 Steel of Destiny (Stage 5: Judgment Sword) 4:00
13 Duel of Top (Boss 5) 2:45
14 Electric Mind (Stage 6: The Bottom of One's Heart) 3:33
15 Fatherless Baby (Boss 6) 3:04
16 The Justice Ray Part 2 (Stage 7: End is Now Here) 5:08
17 Please Seal It Up! -With Voice- (Bad Ending) 0:47
18 Return to Blue Sky (Staff Roll) 0:59
19 Last Letter (Good Ending) 2:25
20 Memories of War (Staff Roll) 1:56
21 Game Over 0:09
22 Count Down to Die (Continue) 0:54
23 Tan.Tan.Ta.Ta.Ta.Tan (Ranking 2~) 1:28
24 Record of Fight (Ranking Top) 1:35
25 Attack Point 2 (Time Attack -Select-) 1:22
Disc length 59:56
≪SOUND! SHOCK Special Bonus Track≫
THUNDER FORCE V MD [Virtuality] (01~05)
Music Composed by Technosoft
Arranged by Sakuoki Kudo (M2)
All Sound & Music Composed by Technosoft
THUNDER FORCE V Perfect System
Music Composed by Technosoft
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-1464249847-752b45?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K7t2l67VxLC-Rs1wmzE2xw?pwd=ap2d 提取码: ap2d