岩窟王 /巖窟王 /巌窟王 /Gankutsuou /The Count of Monte Cristo: Gankutsuou /Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
[2005.02.23] 巌窟王 オリジナルサウンドトラック FLAC
Gankutsu Ou OST

巌窟王 オリジナルサウンドトラック
Catalog Number VICL-61551
Barcode 4988002471744
Release Date Feb 23, 2005
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3045 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Vocal
Label Victor
Manufacturer Victor Entertainment, Inc.
Distributor Victor Entertainment, Inc.
Composer teng, Jean-Jacques Burnel, TCHAIKOVSKY, DONIZETTI, MEYERBEER
Written by Jean-Jacques Burnel, Koji Kasamatsu, Reiji Kitazato (teng)
Arranger teng, Jean-Jacques Burnel, Louie Nicastro
Lyricist Jean-Jacques Burnel
Performer Jean-Jacques Burnel
Extra Guitars Baz Warne
Extra Vocals Phillipa Cookman
Recorded by Jean-Jacques Burnel, Koji Kasamatsu, Reiji Kitazato (teng)
Mixed by Masashi Matsubayashi
Assisted by Hiroshi Sato, Shinya Kondou (prime sound studio form)
Produced by Louie Nicastro
Engineered by Louie Nicastro
Coordination Aiko Edoga (LoveRockMusic)
Artists Management Sil Willcox (Cruisin')
Organized by Jyunji Fujita (FVM)
Album Sound Architect Koji Kasamatsu
Supervised by Mahiro Maeda
Mastered by Kotaro Kojima (FLAIR)
Directed by Yukako Inoue
Promoted by Shosei Ito, Kei Masuko
Sales Promoted by Masakazu Sato, Kou Yamashita
Illustration Mahiro Maeda, Yasufumi Soejima, Hidenori Matsubara
Design Noboru Okano (Cipher.)
Translation 高橋結花
Music by Jean Jacques Burnel and Koji Kasamatsu. Also include the intro theme "We Were Lovers and the outro theme "You Won't See Me Coming."
テレビ朝日アニメーション「巌窟王」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック発売!! 話題沸騰中のオープニングテーマ"We Were Lovers"、エンディングテーマ"You Won't see me coming"を初CDリリース。Jean Jecques Burnel(ジャン・ジャック・バーネル)が手掛ける挿入歌、インスト、そして作中で使用されているさまざまなクラシック楽曲をサウンドデザイナー笠松広司がコラージュ。この1枚に「巌窟王」の音楽世界のすべてを集約!!
01 謝肉祭 7:26
03 prologue 2:05
04 闇色の夢 2:55
05 Anger (エドモンからの手紙) 4:22
06 情景、ある晴れた日に彼は 2:06
07 遠い記憶 2:04
09 天体儀 2:12
10 sorrow (宿命) 4:08
11 Auteui 3:34
12 少年の日 2:05
13 Waltz (waltz in blue) 2:23
14 desire (復讐はただ我にあり) 5:17
15 mercedes (渚にて) 4:52
16 地下宮殿 2:50
17 月夜 2:35
18 海嘯 6:49
19 You won't see me coming (TV size) 1:50
20 You won't see me coming (FULL) 3:55
Disc length 73:42
teng (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16~18)
Jean-Jacques Burnel (2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20)
teng (1, 3, 4, 6~9, 11, 12, 16~18)
Jean-Jacques Burnel / Louie Nicastro (2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20)
Jean-Jacques Burnel (2, 13, 19, 20)
Jean-Jacques Burnel (2, 5, 10, 13~15, 19, 20)
<tr-2, 5, 10, 13~15, 19, 20>
these songs written and recorded by Jean-Jacques Burnel
arranged by Jean-Jacques Burnel and Louie Nicastro
extra Guitars: Baz Warne
extra Vocals: Phillipa Cookman (tr-15)
produced and Engineered by Louie Nicastro
coordination Aiko Edoga (LoveRockMusic)
artists Management: Sil Willcox (Cruisin')
<tr-1, 3, 4, 6~9, 11, 12, 16~18>
these songs written and recorded by koji kasamatsu & reiji kitazato (teng)
mixed by masashi matsubayashi
assisted by hiroshi sato, shinya kondou (prime sound studio form)
organized by jyunji fujita (FVM)
album sound architect koji kasamatsu
supervised by mahiro maeda
mastered by kotaro kojima (FLAIR)
directed by yukako inoue
promoted by shosei ito / kei masuko
sales promoted by masakazu sato / kou yamashita
illustration: mahiro maeda & yasufumi soejima / hidenori matsubara
design: noboru okano (Cipher.)
<Tr. 8>
contains samples from Manfred Symphony (マンフレッド交響曲), Lucia Di Lammermoor (ランモルメールのルチア), Robert le Diable (悪魔のロベール)
used under license from Naxos Global Distribution Ltd., (Ivy Corporation)