本帖最后由 asas12233 于 2023-1-2 16:11 编辑
[自購]赛博朋克酒保行动 VA-11 HALL-A (Complete Sound Collection) by Garoad [CD] [m4a]

CD1: 01. Hopes and Dreams (00:47)
02. A Neon Glow Lights the Way (02:33)
03. Welcome to VA-11 HALL-A (03:08)
04. Every Day is Night (03:41)
05. Neon District (04:09)
06. Dusk (03:18)
07. Strictly Business (02:32)
08. Commencing Simulation (01:52)
09. Drive Me Wild (03:49)
10. Good for Health, Bad for Education (03:15)
11. Who Was I? (01:20)
12. Troubling News (01:16)
13. Heart of the City (02:32)
14. A New Frontier (04:13)
15. A Gaze That Invited Disaster (03:44)
16. Friendly Conversation (02:15)
17. Skyline (03:13)
18. Spirit Potion (03:25)
19. JC Elton's (03:25)
20. A City That Never Sleeps (01:45)
21. A. Rene (03:25)
22. Follow the Trail (02:51)
23. Snowfall (SenzaFine Remix) (02:28)
24. Digital Drive (01:33)
25. A Star Pierces the Darkness (02:21) CD2:01. Glitch City (02:27)
02. Safe Haven (02:40)
03. Shine Spark (05:02)
04. Shine Spark (Instrumental Version) (05:02)
05. Every Day is Night (FamilyJules Arrange) (03:47)
06. Neo Avatar (03:42)
07. All Systems, Go! (03:41)
08. Umemoto (03:38)
09. Meet the Staff (03:38)
10. Synthestitch (04:42)
11. Tense (01:48)
12. Better Luck Next Time (00:19)
13. CALICOMP 1.1 Startup (00:20)
14. CALICOMP 1.1 Shutdown (00:20)
15. Base of the Titans (02:34)
16. March of the White Knights (01:54)
17. Out of Orbit (03:16)
18. Transition I (00:37)
19. Transition II (01:10)
20. Through the Storm, We Will Find a Way (03:28)
21. An Alternate Reality (03:29)
22. Showtime! (03:19)
23. Another Satisfied Customer (00:43)
24. Where Do I Go From Here? (01:59)
25. Will You Remember Me? (01:47)
26. Everything Will Be Okay (02:23)
27. Your Love is a Drug ft. Adriana Figueroa (insaneintherain Arrange) (04:51) CD3:01. Metropolis (01:07)
02. Karmotrine Dream (02:25)
03. Your Love is a Drug (03:00)
04. Underground Club (02:11)
05. Go! Go! Streaming-Chan! (01:33)
06. Base of the Titans (Sage Remix) (01:37)
07. Lifebeat of Lilim (03:18)
08. Lifebeat of Lilim (Instrumental Version) (03:18)
09. Truth (02:18)
10. The Girl With the Iron Heart (04:00)
11. Those Who Dwell in Shadows (03:15)
12. Nighttime Maneuvers (04:07)
13. With Renewed Hope, We Continue Forward (02:59)
14. The Answer Lies Within (02:42)
15. Last Call (02:13)
16. Final Result (01:10)
17. You've Got Me (03:29)
18. Snowfall (02:50)
19. Dawn Approaches (04:10)
20. Reminiscence (02:36)
21. Believe in Me Who Believes in You (04:40)
22. Until We Meet Again (00:52)
23. Every Day is Night (Live Arrange) (04:36) 第一次傳音樂上來分享一下等了2個月才到的cd
順帶一提最近會大量更新馬娘的winning live 1~9的wav檔一樣是自購的
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