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[2021.09.29] BanG Dream! RAISE A SUILEN 8thシングル「Domination to world」[FLAC 96kHz/24bit]
[210929] BanG Dream! RAISE A SUILEN 8thシングル「Domination to world」320K

Domination to world / RAISE A SUILEN
Catalog Number BRMM-10439
Barcode 4562494354176
Release Date Sep 29, 2021
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 1540 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Label Bushiroad Music
Manufacturer Bushiroad Music Co., Ltd.
Distributor Bushiroad Music Co., Ltd.
Vocals RAISE A SUILEN (Raychell, Riko Kohara, Natsume, Reo Kurachi, Risa Tsumugi)
Composer Ryota Tomaru (Elements Garden), Yuki Hidaka (Elements Garden)
Arranger Ryota Tomaru (Elements Garden), Yuki Hidaka (Elements Garden)
Lyricist Spirit Garden
RAISE A SUILEN, who overwhelm listeners with their high musicality and performance techniques, have released their 8th single! As the title suggests, the title track "Domination to world" is an energetic number that seems as if the group owns the world.
高い音楽性と演奏テクニックで聴く者を圧倒するRAISE A SUILENが8th Singleをリリース! 表題曲「Domination to world」はタイトルの通り、世界を我が物にするかのようなエネルギッシュなナンバー。レイヤ (CV: Raychell) のタフなボーカルと、五感を駆り立てるドライブ感溢れるサウンドによってRASの「最強」が体現された一曲だ。留まる所を知らないRASのパワーを、ぜひ全身で堪能してほしい。
1 Domination to world
2 灼熱 Bonfire!
歌 : RAISE A SUILEN[レイヤ(CV.Raychell)、ロック(CV.小原莉子)、マスキング(CV.夏芽)、パレオ(CV.倉知玲鳳)、チュチュ(CV.紡木吏佐)]
RAISE A SUILEN are LAYER (CAST: Raychell), LOCK (CAST: Riko Kohara), MASKING (CAST: Natsume), PAREO (CAST: Reo Kurachi), CHU2 (CAST: Risa Tsumugi)
Composer: Ryota Tomaru (Elements Garden)
Arranger: Ryota Tomaru (Elements Garden)
Lyricist: Spirit Garden
Composer: Yuki Hidaka (Elements Garden)
Arranger: Yuki Hidaka (Elements Garden)
Lyricist: Spirit Garden
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