[2001.10.30] 佐藤裕美ゲームテーマソングコレクション~Looking for sign~ 320K
[FLAC] 佐藤裕美ゲームテーマソングコレクション~Looking for sign~
Canary: Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete
Prime Girl
Kemono Gakuen
Mizuiro (Game)
Wing & Wind
Canary Tea

Hiromi Sato Game Theme Song Collection ~Looking for sign~
佐藤裕美 ゲームテーマソングコレクション ~Looking for sign~
Catalog Number KMCA-124
Barcode 4524334001503
Release Date Oct 30, 2001
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3059 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement, Vocal, Original Work
Publisher Konami Music Entertainment
Distributor King Record Co., Ltd.
Composer Jun Kageie, Noriyasu Agematsu, 工藤洋岳, Otonokaze, Loser, SIMO, MANYO, Takehiro Kawabe, よっぴ
Arranger Jun Kageie, Noriyasu Agematsu, Takehiro Kawabe, Loser
Performer Hiromi Sato
Lyricist Hiromi Sato, Yoshikazu Kuwashima, Kota Takeuchi, 堀幸司, SAY, SIMO, Tomo Kataoka, Tamaki Akitsu
Recording Studio SOUND ARTS
Mixing Studio Sound City
Mastering Studio HeartBeat. RECORDING STUDIO
Yumi Sato is the charismatic vocalist in the PC game world. She became popular singing the intro and outro theme songs for bishojo games such as 'Mizuiro' and 'Canary.' This is her best-of compilation many of her songs which were used in PC games. As the initial pressing special feature, a newly illustrated character trading card will be enclosed (one randomly selected from 3 kinds.)
1 君と僕のメロディー
2 カナリア
3 シールド
4 サイン
5 2人の未然形
6 sincerely
7 Sweet Kiss
8 ニャンだふるわ-るど
9 こころのゆくさき
10 銀色
11 みずいろ
12 ごめんね
13 Wind Time
14 ~through the blow and like bird~かがやく丘へ
15 シールド(unplugged version)
16 みずいろ(acoustic version)
Konami code: LC1068
M01 - Original
Lyrics: Hiromi Sato
Composition: Jun Kageie
Arrangement: Jun Kageie
M02 - PC Version "Canary ~Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete~" Opening Theme
Lyrics: Yoshikazu Kuwashima
Composition: Noriyasu Agematsu
Arrangement: Noriyasu Agematsu
M03 - PC Version "Canary ~Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete~" Ayana Ending Theme
Lyrics: Yoshikazu Kuwashima
Composition: Noriyasu Agematsu
Arrangement: Noriyasu Agematsu
M04 - Sega Dreamcast Version "Canary ~Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete~" Ayana Ending Theme
Lyrics: Yoshikazu Kuwashima
Composition: 工藤洋岳
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M05 - "Hooligan" 巫女姉妹 Ending Theme
Lyrics: Kota Takeuchi
Composition: Noriyasu Agematsu
Arrangement: Noriyasu Agematsu
M06 - "Prime Girl" Ending Theme
Lyrics: 堀幸司
Composition: Otonokaze
Arrangement: Jun Kageie
M07 - "Sui-Sui-Sweet" Opening Theme
Lyrics: SAY
Composition: Loser
Arrangement: Loser
M08 - "Kemono Gakuen" Opening Theme
Lyrics: SAY
Composition: Loser
Arrangement: Jun Kageie
M09 - "Giniro" Opening Theme
Lyrics: SIMO
Composition: SIMO
Arrangement: Jun Kageie
M10 - DVD Version "Giniro" Opening Theme
Lyrics: Tomo Kataoka
Composition: MANYO
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M11 - "Mizuiro" Opening Theme
Lyrics: Tomo Kataoka
Composition: Takehiro Kawabe
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M12 - "Mizuiro" Insert Song
Lyrics: Tomo Kataoka
Composition: Takehiro Kawabe
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M13 - "Wing & Wind" Opening Theme
Lyrics: Tamaki Akitsu [秋津環]
Composition: よっぴ
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M14 - Original
Lyrics: Hiromi Sato
Composition: Takehiro Kawabe
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
M15 - from Fan Disc "Canary Tea"
Lyrics: Yoshikazu Kuwashima
Composition: Noriyasu Agematsu
Arrangement: Noriyasu Agematsu
M16 - "Mizuiro" Opening Theme
Lyrics: Tomo Kataoka
Composition: Takehiro Kawabe
Arrangement: Takehiro Kawabe
Performed by Hirorni Sato
Project Cooperate with
Front Wing
and All Product Staffs
Recorded by Nobushige Mashiko (2,3,8,9,11,13,16)
Jun Kageie (6)
Loser (7)
Takehiro Kawabe (4,5,10,12,15)
Kenichi Yasuki (1)
Yoshinori Sakuma (14)
Mixed by Nobushige Mashiko (1,2,3,11,13,14)
Jun Kageie (6,8,9)
Loser (7)
Takehiro Kawabe (4,5,10,12,15)
Noriyasu Agematsu (16)
Recording & Mixed at Sound City
Recorded at Sound Arts
Mastered by Yukio Kobashi
Mastering at Heart Beat Recording Studio
A&R : Akio Mishima (King Records)
Promoters : Takayuki Ogura,Mitsuyoshi Taguchi
Tetsuro Kaneko (King Records)
Sales Promoter : Hideyuki Hasegawa (King Records)
Production Management : Mamiko Takeuchi,Ari Hanada
Photograph : Kazuya Tahara
Hair & Make-up : Rie Aoki
Art Director : Junko Koike
Design : Hiroko Tanaka
Visual Coordinator : Shigeru Sasaka (King Records)
Sound Producer : Toshinori Numata (Cat's)
Executive Producer : Takaharu Ikeda
Supervisor : Akihiko Nagata
Special Thanks to NEC Interchannel,HuneX
Assisted by Takeshi Yamagami,Mayuko Mizuki (Cat's)
Planning & Coordinated by Cat's
Directed by Osamu Abukawa (Cat's)
Produced by Shigenori lwase
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-514330923-83701c (访问密码:347297)
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-514331465-c7aa4d (访问密码:347297)
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