
英文名称:Dead Space 2
日文原名:デッド スペース2
开发厂商:Visceral Games
发行厂商:Electronic Arts
Isaac Clarke Returns to Battle the Necromorph! Engineer Isaac Clarke returns for another blood-curdling adventure in the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. After waking from a coma on a massive space city known as "The Sprawl," the lone survivor of a horrific alien infestation finds himself confronting the catastrophic new nightmare. Battling dementia, hunted by the government, and haunted by visions of his dead girlfriend, Isaac will do whatever it takes to save himself and dominate the gruesome onslaught. With an arsenal of tools to dismember Necromorphs and new determination, an engineer will bring the terror to space.
《死亡空间2》(Dead Space 2)是美国艺电(EA)08年制作发行的恐怖求生游戏《死亡空间》的续作。游戏主要以科幻恐怖作为卖点。续作的游戏关卡、脚本、故事结构等将得到极大提升。《死亡空间》中勇敢果断的工程师艾萨克·克拉克(Issac Clarke)如约回归,在本作中他将处理更为棘手的局面,变异怪物的感染范围已扩散至整个空间站。前作中出乎意料的恐怖场景依然建在。作为唯一对此有承受力的人,有数不胜数的尸变体等着艾萨克来消灭,他将运用他的电离子切割机与其他更多的新道具,想办法从名为 Necromorphs 恐怖怪物包围中杀出血路。另外,新作中将会出现辅助艾萨克的新角色。本作不但新增了更多、更恐怖的尸变体(Necromorphs),还将会有更曲折、更丰富的故事剧情,以及新的DLC等待着玩家。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sCClUAiN34dTZMbjzAHUoA 提取码:fcsz |