《薄暮传说》(Tales of Vesperia,简称“TOV”)是《传说》系列诞生13年后首个对应次世代主机的作品,也是《传说》系列的第一部次时代主机大作,是一款以贯彻“正义”为题材的RPG,于2008年8月7日发行。游戏的整体感觉继承了《传说》系列历来的传统—ACT+RPG,卡通渲染的人物角色和手绘感觉的背景及动画,主题曲是BONNIE PINK演唱的《鐘を鳴らして》。序盘游戏过程中插入了大量的世界观说明和游戏教学内容,玩家可以利用这些内容对游戏有个大致的了解。
The debut of the Tales series on the Playstation 3, Tales of Vesperia launches the series to new heights of interactive narrative and engrossing gameplay with incredible anime-style graphics, a captivating storyline and characters as well as an upgraded battle system. Set in a world reliant on a mysterious ancient technology known as "blastia," the game follows former knight Yuri as he delves into a shadowy plot to use these magical devices to control civilization, or destroy it.