Phantasy Star Online Original Sound Track
ファンタシースターオンライン オリジナル・サウンドトラック
表演者: 小林秀聡 / 熊谷文恵 / 岡本大介 / 飯田俊明
专辑类型: Soundtrack
介质: CD
发行时间: 2001-01-24
出版者: Universal
唱片数: 1
条型码: 4988005262783
Catalog Number UPCH-1049
Release Date Jan 24, 2001
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3059 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement
Published by Polydor (distributed by Victor Entertainment)
Composed by Hideaki Kobayashi, Fumie Kumatani
Arranged by Daisuke Okamoto, Toshiaki Iida
Performed by LOREN, Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra
Lyrics by Kan Hashimoto
01 Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME ~The whole new world~ (Lyric Version) 2:30
02 A song for eternal story 1:37
03 Pioneer2 1:33
04 Codes of silence 1:23
05 Mother earth of dishonesty PART1 2:14
06 Mother earth of dishonesty PART2 2:12
07 Growl, from the depths of the earth 1:21
08 After the story 1 2:23
09 The kink in the wind and the way PART1 2:21
10 The kink in the wind and the way PART2 2:22
11 From seeing the rough wave 1:30
12 Empty space out of control PART1 1:35
13 Empty space out of control PART2 1:35
14 The crazy program 1:18
15 You have nowhere to go 1:37
16 After the story 2 2:24
17 Revolution to the origin PART1 2:36
18 Revolution to the origin PART2 2:44
19 Pray, for "IDOLA" the distorted 2:29
20 Cry, for "IDOLA" the holy 2:55
21 Can still see the light (Lyric Version) ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME~ 4:45
22 Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME ~The whole new world~ (Wind Orchestra Version) 2:52
23 Can still see the light ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME~ (Wind Orchestra Version) 4:03
Disc length 52:19

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