DAIRAIOH 发表于 2024-7-27 08:03:55

斗破苍穹 (Battle Through The Heavens) OST [320K]

斗破苍穹 /Battle Through The Heavens
(斗破苍穹) OST
Battle Through The Heavens (斗破苍穹) OST

(shamelessly copying op/ed/insert info from Yun’s batch)

Season 1
Ke Weiqing (柯暮卿) - Soaring the Sky (翱翔苍穹) (OP1)
Sisam - Peak of the Continent (大陆之巅) (OP2 E6-12)
Lu Meng (吕萌) - Destined Love (命定情缘) (ED)
MIA AIM (李丁丁) - Peak of the Continent (大陆之巅) (Pre-Order Edition) (OP3 E2) -> basically Female version of OP2
… rest bgm’s

Season 2
Audio Monster (音频怪物) - Battle! (斗!) (OP)
Second Auntie (贰婶) - Breaking Dawn (破晓) (ED)
Many Sunflowers (许多葵) - Good Medicine (良药) (Insert)

Season 3
卡修Rui - While Being Young (趁年少) (OP)
Zhou Shen (周深) - Straight Through The Heavens (直破穹苍) (ED)

Season 4
Wang Ziyu (王梓钰) - Young Man Tears (少年泪) (OP1)
Min Min’s Cat (珉珉的猫咪) - Brave The Wind And Waves (乘风破浪) (OP2)
Meng Meiqi (孟美岐) - Flower Moon Night (花月夜) (ED1)
Mario (马里奥) - Protagonist (主角) (ED2)

Season 5
Zhou Shen (周深) - Rebirth (重生) (OP1)
Jin Zhiwen (金志文) - Soaring to the Sky (凌霄) (OP2)
V17-时音 _ V17-Vila _ 风袖 _ 吕书君 - Just As Before (依如旧) (ED1)
Zhu Xinyi (朱心怡) - Tomorrow (明天) (ED2)
Zhu Xinyi (朱心怡) _ Mo Jiang (墨绛) - Fulfilling The Wish (遂愿) (Xiao Xun Er Insert)
Liao Jingyuan (廖静媛) - Stay Overnight (宿) (Medusa Insert)
Yuan Yifei (袁艺菲) - Waning Moon (缺月) (Xiao Xi Xian Insert)
Han Fu (韩富) - Light (逐光) (Anniversay Theme with mobile game)
… rest are bgm’s

Season 1 Origin
Chen Jiaqi (陈家淇) - Ask (问) (OP)
Mario (马里奥) - Destined By Birth (缘生) (ED)

Special 1
Smile_小千 - The World Is Up To Me (天地由我) (OP)
Wandering Frog (流浪的蛙蛙) - Since The Farewell (从别后) (Male) (ED)
AZA微唱团 - Since The Farewell (从别后) (Female) (Insert)

Special 2
Smile_小千 - Lies (谎言) (OP)
Zhou Shen (周深) - Shed (蜕) (ED)

Special 3
Zui Xue (醉雪) - As The Beginning of The End (如始之末) (OP)
浓浓Vane - Wings (翼) (ED)

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