Crossbone 发表于 2018-7-22 05:29:26

XBOX360 真三国无双5帝国(Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires) 中文版GOD

中文名称:真三国无双5 帝国
英文名称:Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires / Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Empires
日文名称:真·三國無双5 Empires

《真·三国无双5:帝国》由日本KOEI(光荣)公司发行,无双Omega Force小组制作的人气动作游戏《真·三国无双》的衍生作品,前后推出过PS3、XBOX360和PSP版。游戏承袭《真·三国无双5》的战略动作玩法,在无双系列一骑当千爽快杀敌的基础上加入了内政系统,融入国家经营与领土争夺等策略模拟要素,让玩家体验到另类无双不同的乐趣。本作在争霸模式上做了很大的改进,一直以来,在争霸模式中,玩家只能选择君主作战统一天下,而现在玩家们也能选择武将,以武将的立场择明君,交四方豪友。在乱世中为自己的梦想而战斗。

Designed for the legions of Dynasty Warriors fans, DYNASTY WARRIORS 6: Empires is game that brings together the best aspects of the action and strategy genres. In this latest edition, players can experience Ancient China's greatest and most glorious war as an all-powerful lord or as an officer. As a lord, gamers must think strategically. By deciding when to attack, when to resist invasion, or when to initiate policies, a lord can expand their power and influence. An easy-to-learn card collecting system lets players enact policies that will increase their empire's strength, improve the abilities of their forces, and more. The cards that a player receives will depend on the attributes of the officers and their army. Players can also pledge their allegiance to a kingdom to become an officer. As an officer, players can suggest policies in the kingdom's war council, complete missions for rewards, or even turn against their ruler should relations sour. Most eagerly awaited by fans is a game mode that allows players to create their own warrior. DYNASTY WARRIORS 6: Empires features an extensive character editing system with options to customize a warrior's gender, build, skin tone, facial features, voice, clothing, weapon and more. Whomever players choose to be, they can now use mountain ledges and waterways to infiltrate enemy bases and launch surprise attacks on supply depots to change the flow of battle.

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