Crossbone 发表于 2017-12-8 03:30:12

XBOX360 最终试练(Final Exam) [XBLA][GOD]

英文名称:Final Exam
日文名称:ファイナル エグザム
开发厂商:Mighty Rocket Studio
发行厂商:Focus Home Interactive

《最终试练(Final Exam)》的原名是新版《恶夜杀机(Obscure)》,后来改名字了。这是一款以青少年校园生存为恐怖题材的冒险游戏。游戏故事发生在一所名为 Leafmore的美国中学里,在这所有着上百年历史的老学校里建筑物已经开始老化腐朽,图书馆的藏书也是覆盖着厚厚一层灰尘。然而学校的创办者、一位百多岁的校长却居然依然健在,传说他的背后有着种种不为人知的秘密。我们游戏中的五位主角都是中学生:Shannon,Kenny,Ashley,Stan 和Josh。这五位原本就是好友当中的一位,某天突然神秘失踪了,于是剩余四人决定在下课后寻找他的下落。这五位中学生为了解开学校里的离奇事件而展开的冒险,神秘学校的惊人内幕就在几名学生的冒险中一幕幕的揭开了。玩家也必须分别操纵这些主角在阴森恐怖的学校中探险,并且发掘这所学校到底有没有闹鬼。原本白天就阴森森的废弃学校,到了晚上更是鬼影幢幢,在一条条深邃漆黑的校园走廊行走时,才会明白黑夜是多么的漫长和危险。游戏可以单人也可以最多4人联机。

Playable alone and in cooperative mode (local & online), Final Exam lets you play as one of four unlikely heroes; students, each with unique skills and abilities that develop throughout the adventure. Geared toward action and all-out brawling, Final Exam's combat emphasizes combos, follow-up attacks, and score-multipliers! Survive against packs of monsters trying to skin you alive, discover new weapons, and complete objectives throughout a variety of huge, non-linear levels. Overshooting the scores will earn you experience points to level your character up, unlocking new weapons, skills, and other devastating abilities! At any time, you can even get back to some of earlier levels to try your new toys and beat your scores!

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