Crossbone 发表于 2017-6-9 04:04:43

XBOX360 上旋高手4(Top Spin 4) GOD下载

英文名称:Top Spin 4
日文名称:トップスピン 4
制作厂商:2K Games
代理发行:2K Games

《上旋高手4》对应PS3、XBOX360和Wii平台,2011年03月15日发售,厂商称游戏的设计目标是尽可能地还原真实性,并提供“令人激动”的网球模拟体验,三个平台的版本中PS3版本对应MOVE体感,WII版本则对应Motion Plus。新作将提供无与伦比的真实度,新增加超过4000组的动画和全新的特效将大幅提升玩家的操控体验。同时更多的授权职业选手形象,赛场,赛事和器具都将出现在新作中,增强的电视回放效果也会大大提高玩家对比赛的的参与度。游戏将收录费德勒、纳达尔、德约科维奇、穆雷、罗迪克、瓦林卡、托米奇、达维登科、布雷克、小威廉姆斯、伊万诺维奇、沃兹尼亚奇、兹沃娜列娃、扬科维奇、萨芬娜,传奇明星:桑普拉斯、阿加西、拉夫特、考瑞尔、张德培、伯格、贝克尔等。

The latest iteration from the best-selling, next-gen tennis simulation video game franchise*, Top Spin 4 introduces a bold new take on the sport of tennis allowing you to experience firsthand all of the intensity, emotion, and excitement of a real life tennis match. Feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as the crowd falls completely silent in anticipation of a break point serve. Your hands are sweating. Your heartbeat is racing. The ball is served ferociously and now coming at you at 125 mph. Intensely focused, you crush your return for a baseline winner as the sold out crowd erupts in a roar. With all-new unbelievably responsive controls, electrifying stadium atmospheres, enhanced TV style presentation elements, incredibly accurate player models with Signature, and a super deep career mode, Top Spin 4 is so real you have experience it to believe it.

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tleao 发表于 2017-6-11 23:45:09

谢谢分享啦,帮你顶, o(*≧▽≦)ツ
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